Thursday, September 28, 2006

What a long time coming it's been

Well, this is something I've been meaning to do forever..

To document my time here in Japan from a perspective not usually seen.
As a foreigner here, most people live outside the real Japanese culture.
I've met people that have lived here 7 or even 13 years that cannot
speak Japanese. I find that unbelievable. However, being somewhat
similar to Japanese people in personality and having studied on my own
the language, culture, mindset and so on of Japanese people for over
6 years (over 4 years before setting foot in the country), and having a 
job working in a typical Japanese office, with Japanese friends and
so on - I think this gives me a unique inside look at Japan.

I plan to talk about Japanese people, foreign people, things I see,
thoughts, philosophy, but basically to try to keep everything focused
on "Japan" as the topic.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

cool. i hope to travel to japan someday.