Tuesday, March 06, 2007

Japanese Racism (Part 2)

Note: Please see Part 1 or this will not make any sense at all!

I imagine some people ignorant about any culture except their own might have read this, and their original reaction was something like "oh my." But let's take it for what it really is.

A guy was thinking about some racist news, and two weird things happened to him across a span of two days - he might've met a rude person on the train (or just was paranoid that someone was trying to be rude to him because of the news he mentioned) and he met a crazy old woman.

Where is the racism here?

I could say that the person who made the post was racist, I mean, they're viewing Japanese and him/herself in that dichotic bind of black/white or Japanese/Non-Japanese, and then taking a person's behavior from each day and extrapolating it into it being a form of Japanese racism... But, I can't say it with a straight face.

Next, in Part 3, I'll take apart his first day - the train encounter.

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